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Mum's 70th party

Mum's 70th birthday party, Easter 2005, Colchester
Click on any image to see a bigger version.

Food glorious food!! 5000 people are coming.

Er, sausages on sticks. Well, this is Essex.

Yet more food!!

Mum with champagne. And monkey's bum lipstick!

Alison and P-J

Jasmine (blonde) and Gary who looks like a girl.


Clive, Kate, Mick

Can't remember these people's names

Ian, Mum, P-J

L-R Cousin Ben, Mum, Richard, ex-aunt Jen


Norma (on right)

The wyrd sisters?

Jan and Paul Healey

We couldn't afford 70 candles (spent it all on FOOD)

Ben and girlfriend Kelly, Alison, Cousin Zoe

Right the cande's out, now where's the gin?

Alison, Mum, Ian, Uncle Kenny

Zoe and Kenny

Alison and Lisa

Carol and Alison

Zoe and Kelly


Carol and Kenny

Ben and his sis

Ben and Kelly. The drinks are flowing freely :-)

All images copyright Ian Black 2005

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