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New Year's Eve 2005

New Year's Eve party in the Waterloo Arms
Click on any image to see a bigger version.

Vic and Pete

Assembled masses. Aren't we smart?

Yours truly with wonky bow tie

Unc and Dave

Alan and IPD

Sandra steals the limelight

She muscled in on this photo too!

Bob the landlord

Party popper debris

Pete the taxi driver

Hello Boys!!

Hello Claire!

Pete and Vic

Claire again. Woof!

It's OK Steve it's only a camera.

Rob whirls Vic around

Nigel whirls Sandra around

And around

Me and Steve

Bob, the reason I don't want to give you a full-on snog is....

Nigel whirling Vic around. Anyone dizzy yet?

...and relax!

Vic, me, Pete. Happy New Year everyone!

All images copyright Ian Black

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